
Membership is a crucial aspect of all organizations and Community Living Espanola is no exception. It ensures that changes are implemented with necessary input through a democratic process so our clients receive services and supports which are of the highest possible standard.

How can you make a difference as a member of Community Living Espanola?

  • advocate for full community inclusion with other families and our community
  • participate in annual and general membership meetings
  • contribute by serving on our Board of Directors
  • volunteer to provide support or service to someone who has a developmental disability

Last year we had 36 individuals respond to Community Living Espanola’s request for membership. Your participation is greatly appreciated and vital for the continuation of our success. During the coming year, we look forward to building on our recent successes which have improved supports and services and opened new doors of opportunity for the people we support. These successes never cease to amaze us: new jobs, new living situations, reconnections with family members, vacations, new friends and new chances to contribute to the community.

For more information or to become a member of Community Living Espanola, please complete the application below or contact Debbie Langlois at (705) 869-0442 ext. #21.

Please join us as we move forward into another exciting year!

CLE Membership Application Form